I need this part, but I need it to be __________.
Sometimes an off-the-shelf product just won’t work for your application. You don’t see many cars on the road with ill-fitting door handles, do you? NO! In some cases, a custom solution might be the
only solution that will work for you and your customers. Thankfully, all of our vendors have the capacity to make changes to any of their custom designs. Whether it’s a small change to the color or a more substantial change (a new size, different threads, keyway or hole locations) we can be your liaison to the factory to make that change possible. We have all the contacts to get you quick answers, which saves you time and effort.
We can shorten lead times!
Sometimes they do, but that shouldn’t be an obstacle. We can help you with long replenishment lead times by stocking your custom products in Winnipeg, and delivering them to you when you need them. The initial lead time is the only time you might have to wait for product.
We can avoid factory minimums…mostly.
Depending on the nature of the modification, the factory might require that you order a year’s worth of material on one purchase order.
We can help here too! We can stock your custom products in Winnipeg and ship them to you on a pre-determined schedule of shipments over a 12 month period. You would need to commit to the whole quantity, but your accountant will love the fact that you’re able to receive them in scheduled deliveries.
We’re here to help, even with the custom stuff.
If you can’t seem to find the right part, or if we have something that’s “close, but not quite right”, let us know. We’ll have a specialist reach out to you who can give you expert advice, quick answers and most importantly,
solutions.Use our handy
Contact Form to tell us about your application today! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.